
Who is Andrew?

Andrew is a lot of things. The first thing that most people notice about him is that he is a remarkably tall readheaded man. He lives in Austin, Texas. He typically writes in the first person, but he thinks that third person is nice too.

Andrew does many things to fill his time. During the day he is a Senior Data Science Consultant at Catapult Systems. He has worked in a number of data analytics and data science roles. He likes his job very much. It is hard and technical, but he gets to talk a lot during it too. In addition, he is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Computer Science through Georgia Tech – focusing on machine learning.

Andrew has many hobbies. Though he has a profound respect and enjoyment of the outdoors, over time he has come to realize that he is truely an "indoor kid". He is a musician. He is the bassist in the Appleton, Wi, band And How! He also has released his own music as well. Andrew also enjoys photography – especially street photography. He continues doing street photography even though taking pictures of strangers terrifies him. You can see some of his work on his Instagram page. Andrew enjoys movies and books a great deal. He will probably want to talk about these things with you. He likes writing about what he's seen and read.

Andrew has blogged on and off since 2014. His original blog was an attempt to force himself to improve on his writing. Fear was a great motivator. As time has progressed, his motivations for maintatining a website have changed. This version of his website is designed to be a showcase his personal and proessional interests – rather than a purely personal / comedic blog. All that said, it would be safe to excpect a fair amount of comedy.

If you see references to Kidman007 either on this website or on social media and are wondering why Andrew would keep such a childish user name he would say two things:

  1. He did not expect Twitter would not become a big thing. He was wrong.

  2. Kidman was a superhero he invented when he was nine-years-old. Andrew hopes to someday publish a novel detailing the adventures of Kidman.

Welcome to Andrew's website. He hopes you stay a while and make yourself comfortable. Please feel free to reach out to him. Please feel free to sugest ideas or edits of how to improve this site.